

Swiss flag

Schweizerischer Verband der Akademikerinnen (SVA)/

Association Suisse des Femmes Diplômées des Universités (ASFDU)


Co-president: Ursula Bolli-Schaffner

Email:  BSursula@outlook.com


CIR: Tatjana Betschart

Email: betschart.t@gmail.com cir@akademikerinnen.ch

Secretary: Dr Noëmi Kalbermatten

Email: noemi.kalbermatter1@students.unibe.ch

GWI recognizes the Swiss Association of University Women’s mission to support women in applying, implementing and passing on their knowledge in their profession, society and politics. As a lively and multifaceted network of university graduates from all fields of studies, jobs, cultures, nationalities and generations, SVA/ASFDU advocates for education and equal opportunities for women on all levels.

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